Our Mission

Parlay Strategies was founded with a heart for service and a vision for a better tomorrow. We strive to leverage (or parlay) one’s existing talents and resources to uplift and empower.

Who We Are

Parlay Strategies is a boutique consultancy based in Washington, D.C. offering government affairs and grant development services for local governments and nonprofits. Meet our founder and learn about the values and principles that drive Parlay Strategies to make a meaningful impact.

Our Services

Our consultancy offers state and federal advocacy for local governments and nonprofit organizations, public and private fund development, assists businesses struggling to navigate complex government bureaucracy, and provides political and corporate campaign guidance.

Success Stories

Our founder has secured over a million dollars of public and private funds for clients since 2021. Explore our portfolio to discover in-depth case studies and the key factors that have propelled their achievements.

Values & Qualifications

At Parlay Strategies, our values and principles serve as the cornerstone of our approach to client work. With a steadfast commitment to integrity, innovation, and collaboration, we ensure that every client engagement is driven by transparency, creativity, and a dedication to excellence. Our unwavering adherence to these core values not only sets us apart but also qualifies us to work with clients who seek a partner capable of delivering tailored solutions rooted in integrity, creativity, and mutual respect.